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Webinar Series by Belden Hirschmann – Smart manufacturing

Recab: Are you worried about how to maintain profitability while accelerating production demands? - This three-part series will dive deeper into some key areas of smart manufacturing

Webinar Series by Belden Hirschmann – free sign up
Are you worried about how to maintain profitability while accelerating production demands? 

A smart(er) approach to manufacturing can help you optimize your operations, starting with automated, precise and secure data collection. Growth becomes possible when a complete flow of OT and IT data from all inputs can unite and uncover valuable insights for optimization.

In this new technology webinar series, Belden’s solution experts will discuss why future-proofing your factory isn’t just nice to have – it’s essential.

– This three-part series will dive deeper into some key areas of smart manufacturing:
Date: 2 February at 11 a.m. CETA
Topic: Transformed Network: Designing for future growth
Presenter: Frederik Klakk Jeppessen Solutions account manager

Date: 9 February 2022:  11 a.m. CET
Topic: A Security-First Mindset: Protecting data from evolving threats
Presenter: Luiz Aurajo – Field Application Engineer &  Frederik Klakk Jeppessen – Solutions account manager

Date: 16 February 2022:  11 a.m. CET 
Topic: From Analog to Digital: Connecting machines and workers
Presenter:  Ignacio Bravo – CIC Solution Consultant & Frederik Klakk Jeppessen – Solutions account manager

Read more and Sign up here
Link to Recab´s range of Hirschman solutions 

Welcome to contact us for solutions, products or support:  info@recab.com

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